Description of the container:
A lion jumping out of the herald on city hall! He’s contentedly eating e-waste, washing it down with a Budvar beer. As the only one of its kind, the design for České Budějovice was hand painted and only the fourth proposal was approved after the author had to redraw everything over and over. The container was actually created by an artist, or a “non-sprayer”, who sprayed and painted it himself and we thank Jan very much for his nerve and daring!
Address where the container is located:
České Budějovice, Jiráskovo nábřeží 21

Author’s medallion:
Slakinglizard – Jan Gruml (*02/07/1986)
He is focused on analogue works in a majority of instances. While in secondary school, he received his first offer to illustrate a book, and it was an impulse for him to try and make a career out of being an illustrator. He took part in the legendary Secret walls, where he made his way to the final. He won the analogue section in the RAW ART Wrestling competition, which is similar to SW, in 2015. He published a collection of sexual portraits of women from the Czech Republic and abroad, the book 69 vagín (69 Vaginas), in 2017. He illustrates books (Tajemství Hrobaříků (Gravedigger’s Secret, 2016), Hrobaříci v podzámčí (2016), Hrobaříci a Hrobaři (Sexton’s Beetles and Gravediggers, (2018)), card games (Autofarmer), draws comics, paints large-format paintings for various companies, and is experimenting with plaster and defacing practically everything.
“I am glad to be able to tear down the grey tones of the city streets with my colourful work and to please passers-by. I see the meaning in it”